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 BHM offers you the opportunity to travel & to experience the challenge of life in a 3rd world country on a short term basis.

By assisting the very needy in the country of Honduras, we are following the Lord's admonition in 1 Cor 15:58. "Therefore my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."

The country is hot, the work can be difficult, but the rewards are "out of this world"! Witnessing the poverty in Honduras first hand certainly changes ones perspective of life. Rest assured you will return with a different attitude!

We have many different projects to give to from building projects, to sponsoring a child in our school, to helping a needy family with medical expenses or our Feeding Centre with food. The needs are great. We rely solely on your Donations to continue the work we do in Honduras. All donations are tax deductible.


Please Pray for us as we continue the work the Lord has set before us.

That our directors can work in unity; using wisdom & discretion with the expenditure of donated funds

That all volunteers would be willing to assist, teach and or train while still giving the Honduran people the respect and dignity they deserve

Leadership is a monumental task. Please pray for our leaders Jeff & Monica Carlson and their precious daughter Shynese.

Doug makes fast friends wherever he goes

WE Share our Love 

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